Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Review: Winter di Afrika oleh Paola Kira Ewusi

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Travelog
Edition : Paperback,Published 2016 by Buku Pojok
Pages : 192 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.83 ☆
My Ratings : 4.0 ☆

Comelnya Ajwa dan Kira!! Mereka sebagai cover buku travelog ini, tajuknya membuat saya terfikir, 'eh ada saljikah?'.

Sebuah perjalanan unik. Saya selalu fikir perkahwinan campur sangat unik, namun banyak cabarannya. Tabik kepada penulis!

Saya suka dengan pengalaman penulis, membuatkan saya teringin menjejakkan kaki ke benua Afrika. Teringin untuk mengalami sendiri adat dan budaya mereka. Setidak-tidaknya dengan penulisan travelog ini mampu mengubah persepsi kita pembaca terhadap rakyat Afrika.

Saya juga suka dengan pengajaran yang penulis sertakan sepanjang pembacaan saya. Syukur menjadi nilai utamanya, cinta, kasih sayang, kuat, tabah dan tidak mudah putus asa yang boleh dijadikan sumber inspirasi buat kaum wanita seluruhnya. Tersentuh saya di situ.

Semoga penulis terus kuat dengan cinta jarak jauhnya. Inspirational indeed!

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Review: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, YA, Contemporary
Edition : Paperback, Published February 28th 2017 by Walker Books
Pages : 438 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.64 ☆
My Ratings : 4.5 ☆

This is ownvoices. Wonderful told story. Have serious story line but some parts are seriously funny. This is important story and needed to be told. Angie Thomas tackled the social issues of racial so well involving black community. Though it is fiction, the book simply educates, in simplest way for me as the non american people who lives outside the states. And I know, what happens in real life is scarier. Racism is everywhere, around the world.

Maverick, of all, is the coolest dad! I love his character. I love the little family. It's nice to read about the kids respect the parents and the elders. "Yes ma'am.", "Yes sir.". I even smile every time I read them. I have been reading about kids stomping out of the house whenever their parents give them "education" and that sicken me. And it's nice that in the story, the kids gets to tells and talk every thing to their parents. I love that the story focus on family. A little touch of romance is nice too. Interracial relationship. I would want a boyfriend like Chris. There is nothing wrong with interracial relationship. Chris is respectful and have the effort to understands Starr and her culture and I love that he shows the effort. Character like Hailey, Starr's friends however is otherwise, she even makes sh!tty comments on Khalil will died some other way because she believes he was a drug dealer/thug, without the slightest curiosity to ask Starr about him.

I must say this book is longggg but it is definitely strong, powerful, brave, angry, beautiful and important. Recommended indeed!

Review: Tuan Direktur oleh Hamka

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Fiksyen, Fiksyen Sejarah, Asian Literature > Indonesian Literature
Edition : Paperback, Published August 14th 2015 by PTS
Pages : 144 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.06 ☆
My Ratings : 4.8 ☆

Tuan Direktur karya Hamka, langsung tidak mengecewakan. Sejak di helaian awal lagi saya sudah dapat mengagak layaknya 5 bintang untuk tulisan ini.

Sebuah karya pendek, mengisahkan kumpulan masyarakat bekerja, majikan dan orang bawahnya dan juga yang bekerja sendiri. Watak Tuan Direktur sebagai majikan yang langsung tidak mempedulikan kebajikan pekerja-pekerjanya, malah meninggi diri dengan kekayaanya yang sebentar cuma. Lahir pula watak Pak Yasin yang begitu berbeza pendirian terhadap kehidupan bekerja, harta dan budi pekertinya. Watak-watak lain yang hadir seperti Kadri, Margono, Haji Salmin dan Fauzi menguatkan lagi jalan cerita, masing-masing mempunyai peranan yang mengubah 'nasib' Tuan Direktur sepanjang plot cerita.

Saya suka dengan nasihat dan falsafah yang ditonjolkan melalui watak Pak Yasin. Masih relevan dipakai pada zaman ini kerana masih juga masyarakat setempat yang berperangai seperti Tuan Direktur. Kritikan Hamka amat tepat dan begitu lantang mengenai sifat masyarakat yang cepat lupa diri lantaran kejayaan yang dimiliki. Hamka juga bijak menyentuh nilai persahabatan dan nilai agama sekali gus.

Tulisannya ringan yang mudah ditebak. Plot cerita langsung tidak rumit. Bahasanya indah tersusun seawal helaian yang pertama lagi yang membuatkan saya lupa untuk bernafas kerana keindahan metafora dan hiperbolanya. Masterpiece! Kelainannya, Tuan Direktur ini bukan tentang adat Minangkabau.

Klasik yang mesti dibaca kerana sarat dengan pengajaran yang baik dan berguna dalam kehidupan.

Review: Anak Titiwangsa oleh Keris Mas

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Fiksyen, Sastera, Klasik
Edition : Paperback,  Cetakan Ketiga (Edisi Kedua), Published 1967 by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Pages : 141 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.69 ☆
My Ratings : 4.6 ☆

Bacaan ulangan. Bacaan zaman kanak-kanak saya sebenarnya. Cuma zaman itu saya tidak begitu menghayati makna tersirat cerita ini, hanya fokus kepada plot cerita sahaja.

Mengisahkan Sudin yang masih kabur tentang masa depannya dan dalam masa yang sama risau dengan keadaan sahabatnya Karim yang terhanyut dalam gejala sosial. Berlatarbelakangkan zaman bermulanya pembangunan negara Malaysia, Keris Mas mengungkap masalah yang dihadapi oleh pemuda pemudi pada zaman itu yang hanya mahu bekerja senang dan asyik dengan hiburan.

Saya suka dengan lapisan watak yang diketengahkan. Watak yang berusaha dan sangat fokus dan akhirnya berjaya mendapat tempat dalam masyarakat seperti YB Ah Kaw dan Pak Cik Samad, watak yang gagal dalam pelajaran namun mendapat bantuan seperti Sudin dan juga watak Karim yang gagal dalam pelajaran tetapi tidak mendapat bimbingan dan terlibat dalam masalah sosial. Ada juga watak-watak kecil yang masing-masing mewakili peranannya dalam masyarakat setempat.

Saya sebenarnya rindukan novel atau buku cerita seperti ini, dengan bahasa percakapan seharian namun tiada kata-kata kesat yang digunakan. Latar belakang kampung atau bandar dan masyarakat yang bergelut mengejar cita-cita hidup.

Review: The Red Bicycle by Dave Anthony

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Historical Fiction
Edition : Paperback, Published 2016 by Gerakbudaya
Pages : 393 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.33 ☆
My Ratings : 4.4 ☆

This book caught my eyes when I was browsing books in a bookstore, particularly it is about Communist Party - the story is told from the party's perspective, which is rare for me.

The story is mainly about treachery and betrayal, spy and double, triple I'd say. Set in Malaya, WWII when the Japanese army invaded Southeast Asia, before Malaya gets its independency.

I like the narrative style, but it is too predictable I can guess who is the traitor within the first 5 chapter. I need to mention that this book is slow paced not until the first 3 or 4 chapter of Part Two, when the revelation of the traitor. That part for me is exciting. 

I love the element of romance, trans-racial relationship captured so well, in the midst of war time. Love and war, is all fair. It is like giving the 'live' of the party and the book itself.

I love the historical facts included. Not too much yet sufficient enough to make the readers understand and not too bore or lost in the story. It helps adding up my historical knowledge (I forgot some of the facts and the abbreviations!!). Weaves of historical facts and fiction so well.

It's a good reading. Rated 4.0 stars. Recommended for those who are into historical fiction and slow-paced story.

Review: Salina oleh A. Samad Said

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Fiksyen, Sastera, Fiksyen Sejarah
Edition : Paperback, Published April 2016 by Lejen Press
Pages : 655 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.23 ☆
My Ratings : 4.5 ☆

Sayang betul, dan kenapa dibeli juga sebab naskah kepunyaan ibu saya telah dimamah zaman, dan terlampau teringin nak baca Salina. Lejen Press nampaknya tiada usaha langsung untuk menyunting manuskrip ini. Kecewa.

Namun bangga dan terharu pada penulisannya. Merakamkan kisah hidup masyarakat zaman perang dan zaman menuju kemerdekaan. Memaparkan kemiskinan hidup, kesusahan mencari pekerjaan, pelacuran, kedaifan, tempat tinggal yang melarat, you name all the difficulties.

Salina merupakan satu watak yang menarik cuma entah kenapa penulis tidak terlalu mengetengahkan watak Salina. Kurang dari segi POV nya, 'backstory' nya. I want more of Salina! Terasa sayang dengan watak Salina kerana kebaikannya terhadap Hilmy, Katijah dan yang lain. Apa yang ditonjolkan mengenai Salina, serasa tidak cukup dalam 655 muka surat itu! 

Suka benar dengan perkembangan cerita dan watak walaupun agak lambat jalam penceritaannya dan berulang, tapi sebab ingin tahu mengapa Salina tetap bersama Abdul Fakar si tak guna tu membara. Sakit hati dan geram dengan perlakuan Zarina, juga si tak guna Fakar dan Salim terhadap Nahidah.

Sempat penulis menyelitkan kepentingan bahasa Melayu melalui dialog antara Nahidah dan Hilmy. Kepentingan pendidikan di zaman itu, namun sangat sukar bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkannya lantaran kemiskinan dan kemelaratan hidup.

Ah kalau boleh nak sentuh semua watak yang wujud dalam Salina. Haji Karman, Razman, Sunarto, Zarina, Kurupaya Samy, Si Bulat semuanya mewakili seseorang dalam masyarakat dan sehingga kini, kita masih jumpa watak Haji Karman, seorang yang digambarkan alim dan suka menegur untuk kebaikan namun caranya menjatuhkan syurga neraka bagi seseorang amat tidak disenangi.

Saya harap saya akan jumpa naskah awal Salina dari DBP, kadang lebih selesa dengan cetakan asli. SALINA ini wajib dibaca oleh setiap penggemar sastera dan pembaca-pembaca buku, kalau tidak bukan ulat bukulah anda!

Review: Di Simpang Jalan oleh A. Samad Said

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Fiction, Fiksyen, Sastera, Historical Fiction
Edition : Paperback, Published 1987 by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP)
Pages : 95 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.97 ☆
My Ratings : 4.6 ☆

Geli hati dengan gelagat si Latup. Tertarik dengan watak utama, Jamri yang berjiwa besar dan semangat ingin belajarnya. Peperangan langsung tidak menjadi penghalang untuk menuntut ilmu.

Antara bacaan ulangan saya pada bulan ini, amat menggamit memori zaman kanak-kanak. Cerita yang berlatarbelakangkan Perang Dunia Kedua, masyarakat kampung, fokus kepada watak utama kanak-kanak bernama Jamri yang mempunyai semangat ingin menuntut ilmu sehingga membuka 'madrasah'-nya sendiri di bawah rumah lantaran belum cukup umur untuk menyertai madrasah Haji Zawawi berdekatan rumahnya. Namun berikutan tercetusnya perang, madrasah tersebut terpaksa ditutup. Semangat yang ditonjolkan Jamri merubah fikiran Haji Zawawi terhadap penutupan madrasahnya.

Novel kanak-kanak ini amat sesuai bagi pembaca kanak-kanak sekolah, juga bagi yang dewasa kerana wacana yang hendak disampaikan penting; ilmu pengetahuan wajib dituntut.

Review: Langit Petang oleh A. Samad Said

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Fiksyen, Fiction, Historical Fiction
Edition : Paperback, Published February 2016 by Lejen Press
Pages : 182 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.93 ☆
My Ratings : 4.6 ☆

Kecewa dengan penerbitan Lejen Press ini. Banyak kesalahan ejaan dan ada juga barisan ayat yang berulang.

5 bintang untuk penulisan ini. Saya memang suka penulisan klasik dengan bahasa yang indah-indah, kosa kata yang banyak. Belum cerita gaya penulisan lagi, memang layak bintang penuh!

Sarat dengan falsafah. Bila ditenung kembali sememangnya berat untuk dihadamkan falsafah-falsafah tersebut. Saya seperti berharap cerita ini mengenai Ariff sepenuhnya namun, sesuai dengan penceritaan cerita, Hafiz menjadi tonggak utama. Saya mahu lebih tentang Hafiz dan saya mahu lebih lagi tentang Ariff. Zakiah pula bagi saya sempurna wataknya. Mangsa feminisme. Berjuang dengan cara yang salah. 

Novel realism yang berkisar tentang pilihan hidup, pendirian diri dan falsafah. Berat tapi ringan.

Review: Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Magical Realism, Asian Literature > Japanese Literature
Edition : Paperback, Paperback, Published February 7th 2002 by Vintage
Pages : 393 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.03 ☆
My Ratings : 3.8 ☆

Dance Dance Dance - Haruki Murakami

Writing style: first Murakami book I read and it didn't bother me at all. Quite easy for me to read. And it is the writing style that make me fall for Murakami's work. Its how he explores on the subconscious things, weird but intrigued.

Plot movement/strength: the plot moved but it somehow didn't moved me, interesting enough for me to stick till the end

Characters: the characters even though I may not fall in love with them but they got their own strength that makes the whole story spinning and keep me engaged. I like the fact that Murakami want us to get to know the character before judging them. Yuki is just a cold and distant teenage who is gifted and perfect have-it-all Gotanda hides dark secrets

Attention to details: not so much yet not so little.

Entertainment factor: I enjoy getting lost in the between the page

So, did I like it? I rated 3.8 because it didn't moved me. Sighhhh I would go for 4 stars but it didn't feel like 4 stars 

Review: All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Historical Fiction, War, WWII
Edition : Paperback, Published January 15th 2015 by Fourth Estate
Pages : 531 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.31 ☆
My Ratings : 4.7 ☆

Hauntingly beautiful. Soaking myself with the words and details. I hope the pages never end. ATLWCS reminds me of The Book Thief.

I love how the story is told. Parallels stories, alternating between the blind girl and the orphan boy. The pacing is a bit off but it suits. Unhurried. It suits the style and the story itself. In fact, I was comfortable with the pacing, which I usually don't in most slow-paced book. Sweet and smoothly flowed.

I was 'waiting' when will the main characters finally meet. It was short and sad, but meaningful. I need to say it again that I am very much in love with details and the language. All the feelings, touches, senses etc are very well defined and expressed. I love the connection between the characters especially between Marie and her father and Marie and Madame Manec.

I highly recommend this book. It's so good I will some time reread it in the future.

Review: Nyanyi Sunyi oleh Amir Hamzah

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Genre : Poetry, Puisi
Edition : PaperbackMalayan, Published 1963 by Bi-Karya Publication Limited
Pages : 35 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.81 ☆
My Ratings : 4.0 ☆

Puisi puitis. Mengandungi bibit ketuhanan jika diamati dengan teliti. Amir Hamzah mepunyai stail tersendiri dalam membina frasa sajak yang indah walaupun menggunakan kata-kata mudah. Dengan perkataan-perkataan mudah itu Amir Hamzah membawa pembaca ke dalam suasana cinta dan kasih seorang pencinta dan yang dicintainya.

Beberapa puisi yang menjadi kegemaran:
1. Padamu Jua
2. Tetapi Aku
3. Karena Kasihmu
4. Doa
5. Kurnia ⭐
6. Doa Poyangku
7. Batu Belah ⭐
8. Astana Rela

Puisi santai namun bermakna sesuai bagi yang menggemari sajak dan puisi ringan.

Review : The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Historical Fiction
Edition : Mass Market Paperback
Pages : 512 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.32 ☆
My Ratings : 4.5 ☆

Everyone joins a band in life
And I'm in the one that wish Frankie Presto is (was?) real.

Breathless. I couldn't put down the book despite I'm in my plegde to read slower. Narrated by Music, at first I feel weird but throughout the story, it make sense somehow. Beautifully put. Amazing twist. I almost fell of my bed thinking how come the hairless dog can travelled that far. When Aurora died, I could almost feel what Frankie feels. But the 6 magic strings, I expected it all along that it was Frankie's heart, his kindness that make then turned blue. Kindness that what it is.

Magic. Who doesn't like it?

Thank you, my favourite author.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Review - Nobody's Secret by Michaela MacColl

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Historical Fiction, YA
Edition : Paperback, Chronical Books
Pages : 241 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.61 ☆
My Ratings : 3.7 ☆

A wonderful murder story. Captured me right away! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson meets a handsome young man, known as Mr. Nobody and enjoys her flirtartion with him until a tragedy happened to the young man. Emily is determines to investigate the murder herself despite her chores her mother, Mrs. Dickinson instructed to do. Along with her younger sister, Vinnie, Emily discover shocking information and unexpected murder suspects.

This story reminds me of Nancy Drew adventures. I love Emily character. I love how she jots down her clues in a small notebook. I love how stubborn she is to continue her private investigation of Mr. Nobody's murder. The suspense is there and progressing well throughout the story. I just love the storyline. Simple yet intriguing. Good mystery build-up.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Review - Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl by David Barnett

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Science Fiction, Steampunk, Fantasy
Edition : Paperback, Snowbooks Ltd
Pages : 351 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.69 ☆
My Ratings : 3.5 ☆

Set in Victorian England. Gideon Smith who had lost his father and he was to find why his father was killed. Gideon was determined to follow Captain Lucian Trigger, his favourite hero and avenge his father's death.

It's cool! Victorian England setting. Indiana Jones style. There's vampires, mummies, pyramids and sky pirates! I can say it is a great idea. I was at first afraid to read sci-fi steampunk genre but this book really changed my views. The story is smooth, the idea is great but the writings is not enough to intrigue me. What fascinates me most about this book is the story line and the urge to know more of the adventures of Gideon.

I start to like it when meeting the mechanical girl, Maria. I must say that I dislike the opening or so to say the writing itself. Maria is a likable, mysterious character. Although Gideon and Maria's journey is different but somehow it suits and brings you to the unlikely relationship. But I loveeeee the ending. The graph is descending smooth towards the end and the unexpected twist makes me want to move to the second book.

I think I can recommend this book to the readers who want to try on this type of genre, for beginner.

Review - Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters In the End by Atul Gawande

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Non Fiction, Health > Medical, Science
Edition : Paperback, by Metropolitan Books
Pages : 282 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.39 ☆
My Ratings : 4.3 ☆

This is the first book on Health and Medical I read and it fears me at first for any jargon and scientific terms I do not understand but no such in this book. It is carefully explained and it is made sure the readers are not left googling on medical terms.

It is a good read for people who care for the elderly, even if you do not have care any elderly, it is some kind of preparation for yourself. Well, everyone is getting old. But reading this, getting old is scary. It cringe me every time I read on what could happen if this and this occur to you. It's a how-to book. For those who care for the elderly or terminally sick person, it gives you courage and what to do sort of solutions. Not many people knows what to do when it comes to such matter.

I recommend this book because it is full of information and guides on (if ever you face such situation, I hope we not) what sort of question to ask a doctor, where to seek help and such.

Review - Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Historical Fiction, Classic, Fiction
Edition : Paperback, by Arrow
Pages : 278 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 3.32 ☆
My Ratings : 3.6 ☆

Twenty years after To Kill A Mockingbird. Scout or Jean Louise Finch returns to Maycomb to visit her father, Atticus Finch. She finds a lot of changes in Maycomb in terms of political issue and her family issue. Jean Louise finds an unacceptable changes in her father and dueling with her own feelings towards Maycomb and surrounding, just not like what she remembers it as in her childhood time.

I personally just like this book but love the story as a whole (TKAM+GSAW).I still love Scout and Atticus. The bigger picture is that time changes, mind set changes, situation also changes resulting different approach of things. Still about "colours and race", that is what upset Scout so much, seeing her father shows different attitudes towards society in Maycomb. However, the explanation from her Uncle Jack, soothed everything out.

No. It's not a sequel to TKAM to me. Though I would love to find out about Boo Radley more, this is for me a continuous or a follow-up to TKAM. I can see why GSAW didn't get to be published then. If you are seeing GSAW as a sequel, you will be disappointed. Rated 3.7/5.0.

Review - The Little Shop of Happy Ever After by Jenny Colgan

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Chick-Lit
Edition : Paperback, by Sphere
Pages : 358 pages 
Goodreads Ratings : 3.89 ★
My Ratings : 3.7 ★

I love books about books and this is the one. Caught my eyes just a second after I looked at it, grabbed it and to the counter for payment. Ha!

Nina who loves book and work in a library but lose it as the library turns into a downsized retail complex. Worrying with no job for living, Nina considers to open a bookshop, a mobile bookshop. She buys a van and moved to Scotland and become a successful bookseller. 

Simple, but the decision making, the new adjustment of new life, the new experiences etc. are what makes this book lovely. Nina character is slowly developed throughout the story. I can definitely related to her, especially on books and her decision making. It just happened that the Scottish community she settled for love books as well. The story evolves to something else; Nina's love life and helping two children for school and living.

All in all, it's about how to face the future and chase your dreams, not giving up half way not matter what. It's a lovely read.

Review - The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Historical Fiction, YA
Edition : Paperback, Anniversary Edition by Alfred A. Knopf
Pages : 552 pages 
Goodreads Ratings : 4.36 ★
My Ratings : 4.4 ★

Holocaust. Set in Germany during World War II. Narrated by Death on a story of a girl, Liesel Meminger who comes of age in a war time. Being an orphan and taken by a relatively poor germans family, the Hubermanns. Hans, Liesel's foster father teaches her to write and read. Rosa who does laundry for the rich, swears a lot but really have a good heart. Conflict begins when the Hubermanns needs to hide a Jew, Max who is the son of Han's friend from WWI.

I love how the story is narrated by Death. It took me awhile to figure who is the narrator. Smack my head once I found out. Hans is absolutely my favourite character, followed by Rudy, Liesel's companion. There are a few moments in the story which broke my heart included the The Standover Man. The bombing of Himmel Streets. Damn, it broke my heart good.

I usually not fond of slow-paced book but there are something about this book that keeps me reading. Haunted.The story and how it was written. Poetic. There are so many quotes in this book that i love so much. Especially from Death, mesmerized me how every details can be described so well. The part where giving the reader a bit of the ending at the beginning. It messed up my emotions, in a good way. And it made me shed tears.

No. It's not a happy ending story. But I promise, it's a good read.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Review - The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Historical Fiction, Contemporary
Edition : Paperback, International Edition by Riverhead Books 
Pages : 401 pages 
Goodreads Ratings : 4.25 
My Ratings : 5.0 

"For you, a thousand times over!"

I am really mad at myself because I'm talking too long to read this good book. It broke my heart so many times.The Kite Runner is about friendship, betrayal, war, family relationship, decision making. Those are strongly portrayed in this book. It is a very beautiful story. 

With strong opening, each characters background is very well described, Amir was fantastically developed throughout the story. Set in Afghanistan, the readers is welcomed with the inseparable friendship between Amir and Hassan. Though at some point, I hate Amir because of what he did to Hassan, (a Hazara, a friend and eventually Amir's half brother), which bring himself almost a lifetime guilt. Beauty. The phrases and words combined, as smooth as melted chocolate!

I love for its highs and lows and everything in between. Amir and his father, Baba migration to America, live quite a good life while in Afghanistan is chaos with Taliban. Fifteen twenty years past, married to Soraya and the demise of Baba. News from Rahim Khan and fly to Pakistan only to know Hassan was killed. Leaving Amir with another decision in to make. I'm glad it is great in the end. 

Some of powerful quotes in the book:

"Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors." 

"And the beggars were mostly children now, thin and grim-faced, some no older than five or six. They sat in the laps of their burque-clad mothers alongside gutters at busy street corners… Hardly any of them sat with an adult male - the war had made fathers a rare commodity in Afghanistan."

"I'm so afraid…. Because I'm so profoundly happy, Dr Rasul. Happiness like this is frightening. They only let you be this happy if they're preparing to take something from you."

I feel love, I feel hatred and horror, I feel love and hate and angry and i feel a lot more of love. I cried. I cried a lot for Hassan, The Kite Runner.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Review - Heartless by Marissa Meyer

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Fiction, Fantasy, YA
Edition : Paperback UKPublished November 17th 2016 by Macmillan Children's Books 
Pages : 450 pages 
Goodreads Ratings : 4.09 
My Ratings : 4.1 

I love this cover! Sorry I just need to say that.

Heartless, is a stand-alone novel, spin on some familiar characters from Alice's Adventure in Wonderland. It's an epic retelling focuses on the Queen of Hearts. 

Before Lady Catherine Pinkerton became the Queen of Hearts, she was just a girl who enjoys baking and sharing dreams of opening a bakery with her close friend, Mary Ann whom also Pinkerton's maid. Her mother however, Marchioness had a different ideas on her daughter's future, pushing her to marry the King of Hearts. As Cath struggles between pursuing her own dream and fulfilling her parents's dream, she finds herself falling for a complete stranger; new court joker of Hearts, Jest.

I really love the idea. We widely know that the Queen of Heart is the most hated character in Alice, who knows, she turned out to be just a girl who wanted to be loved. Meyer's characters are all familiar yet brand new. She successfully capture all the madness, the nonsense and the magic of the story we all know as a child years ago. She beautifully put on the spotlight on places and characters we never caught up before.

Heartless is told through Cath point of view, makes me really understand how she feels toward her dream and her love for Jest. Not to mention the heart pounding adventures she went through. I have to say that this is a slow-paced novel (I'm not very fond of slow-paced story), not until the Jabberwock second attack does the novel had my heart rate increased. All begins to unravel after that which makes it exciting. But credits need to be given. This slow-paced is where Meyer got to build her characters and places well. She really really takes time to build it!

From simple, nice, good-willed girl, Catherine Pinkerton changed to a Queen of Hearts full of fury. Off with their heads!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Review - Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Assalamualaikum and Good Day!

Genre : Fantasy, YA
Edition : Paperback, Published January 31st 2017 by Flatiron Books
Pages : 402 pages
Goodreads Ratings : 4.11
My Ratings : 4.1

I am thrilled to read and review this book! My first thought when seeing this book in a bookstore, "Oh wow! Circus story! Does it involve magic? mystery? or murder crime?". I definitely have not read any reviews or heard of the rumours and hypes. But I'm a fan of magic of course.

Whatever you've heard about Caraval, it doesn't compare to the reality. It's more than just a game or a performance. It's the closest you'll ever find to magic in this world . . . 
Story about two sisters, Scarlett who lived in fear - fear of their abusing father, fear of her sister, Donatella's well-being, fear of the past and the future for both siblings. Despite that, after seven years of determination of letter writings to the Caraval Master, three invitations arrived, for Donatella, Scarlett and her betrothed count she never met, to join and experience the magical caraval.

Though excited, Scarlett cannot risk to miss her wedding, one and her only chance of safety and security from her father, never to know Donatella has her own plan. Soon, both sister and a sailor boy Julian find themselves enmeshed in Caraval. Only to find the motive of the game is to find Donatella, Scarlett who fear of her sister's safety will not stop to free Donatella from the game. The longer she plays the game, her true heart desires and future begins unraveling.

I don't really like the characters though. The sisters bond shown is just not quite there. I cannot feel it enough. Scarlett keep thinking that she needs to get back to get married, but then she cannot because she has already involved in the game - she has to find her sister before get back home. It annoys at one point. She keep forgetting "Remember, it's only a game.", and rely on Julian, her fake fiance to snap her back to reality. But, I don't blame her of course, I felt like it's real too, judging by how many times my heart rate increased. 

I have to mentioned, Stephanie Garber's debut has its highlights. Caraval has strong opener and very 'shocking' ends. I love how the sentences strung together, creating the world for Caraval, deftly depicted in description and brilliant plot twist. Well, the type of book that I can finish in one sitting. 

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Review - Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Genre : Poetry, Non Fiction
Edition : ebookPublished October 6th 2015 by Andrews McMeel Publishing 
Goodreads Ratings : 4.37
My Ratings : 3.0 

It is very hard for me to put star for this book. This book the the collection of poetry by Rupi Kaur about love, loss, abuse, violence and femininity. My first thought of this book, "oh, yeah..okay". The author use simple words, simple English, short sentences which I have to say, plain. The poems are more of personal and it's difficult for me to review this.

I did not like the book until I reach the third chapter, the breaking. I have trouble with the illustration as well but then it gets better as i reach the third chapter, as I looked beyond the drawings.

What I like about this book is how it is divided into four chapters. The hurting, the loving, the breaking, the healing. I love the messages in it, not before 'the breaking' of course. This could make some use to women who experience loss and want to move forward in life. I like the rawness of the poems, the emotions to say.

It's good but not great.
